Amazon Ads

Made Easy

Powerful automation engines to help you effortlessly scale and increase your ROI.

Sign up for early access
World-class bidding

World-Class Bid Control

Enter your target ACoS and Adjoli will use its powerful bidding automation engine to hit it.

Backed by years of data, research, and experimentation.

Guaranteed results

Guaranteed Results

We believe in our system so much that if we don’t either increase your sales or decrease your ACoS within the first 60 days, then you get your money back.

No questions asked.

Control at your fingertips

Control At Your Fingertips

Adjoli gives you the option to enable/disable any of its automations so that you can take control over any aspect of your PPC strategy.

Tailor your experience to be as hands-off or hands-on as you want.

Sign up for early access today

Simplify your 

ad management

There’s no way around it, Amazon PPC is complex.

Optimal management of Amazon PPC campaigns takes a tremendous amount of work, time, and effort.

That’s why we made it our mission to make your optimization experience as simple as possible – so you can have more time to focus on things that matter the most in your business.



Bidding controls

Budget rebalancing and adjustments

Negation of bad search terms

Keyword discovery, additions, and scaling

Sponsored Brands headline and video campaigns

Dayparting with hourly PPC data

Take control 

and fine-tune

Complete flexibility with automations.

With Adjoli, you get full and complete control over the granularity of your automations.

You can set your automation parameters on the account level, product level, campaign level, and even at the keyword level.

Know exactly 

what to do

A daily action list so you can optimize at the right time.

It’s easy to get lost in the minutiae of Amazon PPC. We’ve all been there: testing and keeping track of a million things at once takes a toll on you.

Get an easy-to-follow daily todo list directly on your dashboard so that you know exactly what you need to do to optimize your performance every day.

Know your data, 

maximize profit

Deeply understand your performance at a quick glance.

Say goodbye to overcomplicated Excel spreadsheets typically used for analyzing performance and results.

Adjoli provides you with a dashboard that serves the most important performance metrics that you need in order to make decisions on how to maximize your advertising profits.

Orchestrate strategies, 

not campaigns

Be the maestro of your PPC performance.

Take all of the nitty-gritty nuances of optimal ad management out of the picture.

Manage specialized PPC strategies at the product level and let Adjoli handle the heavy lifting. Define your goals and targets and Adjoli will do all the work in the background.

Your Unfair Advantage

Optimal campaign structure

The campaign structure that Adjoli uses for your products was designed so that more of your keywords actually get a chance to receive impressions.

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Look through any one of your campaigns with multiple keywords and you will surely see that the distribution of impressions across all of those keywords is uneven. Most of your low-volume keywords probably don’t get any at all!

Adjoli’s proprietary campaign structure is designed to give all your keywords a chance to get on the stage.

Learn more here

Dayparting using real PPC data

The first of its kind, Adjoli gives you real hour-by-hour insights into your actual PPC performance by product and keyword.

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Say goodbye to making dayparting decisions with skewed data that also includes your organic sales.

Give yourself the ability to make real, data-driven decisions with your dayparting with actual hour-by-hour PPC data.

Automated budget adjustments

Take the headache and guesswork out of deciding how you want to allocate your budgets for optimal performance.

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Just because something is being automated doesn’t mean that you lose control over it. You have the choice of simply telling Adjoli how much you want to spend per month for each of your products.

We do the rest of the gruntwork behind the scenes and make sure your top performing campaigns for your products delivers for as long as possible.

Phrase killer

Systematically negate search terms that contain certain phrases, words, or terms that have a history of negative return with a few simple clicks.

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If you look through your search term data, we can guarantee that there are certain words that appear on search terms that have a history of sabotaging your performance.

Effortlessly cut those bleeders out of your products’ Amazon PPC campaigns with Adjoli’s simple-to-use interface.

Easy campaign migration

Use Adjoli’s simple point-and-click wizard for migration at your own pace. No 10,000-step setup processes for migrating your current PPC campaigns over to Adjoli.

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In our experience, taking the first step and setting up Amazon PPC campaigns with other apps is a daunting task; but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Use Adjoli’s simple 4-step wizard to seamlessly migrate your product on our platform.

Automated Sponsored Brands

With Adjoli’s easy-to-use brand asset preset system, now you can fully automate the creation of your Sponsored Brand campaigns of all types.

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Easily create presets for your Sponsored Brand campaign assets on a product-level so that you can easily automate the creation of new Sponsored Brand campaigns.

And yes, you can automate Sponsored Brand Video campaigns too!